Our services.
Dream it.
60 Minute Virtual Reiki (Via Zoom)
⋒ Breathwork to empower the flow of prana and lifeforce into your body.
⋒ Visualization Meditation to prepare the mind and body to receive Reiki healing.
⋒ Reiki energy exchange for healing and shifting stagnant energies.
⋒ Gratitude and closing converstiaon and post treatment details summary.
{TO ADD 3 – 30 minute follow up calls + $150}
Energetic Exchange / $111 | BIPOC In Need of Assistance: Sliding Scale $55 – $99 | Venmo @NicoMaldonado
Build it.
30 Minute Virtual Reiki (Via Zoom)
⋒ Breathwork to empower the flow of prana and lifeforce into your body.
⋒ Visualization Meditation to prepare the mind and body to receive Reiki healing.
⋒ Reiki energy exchange for healing and shifting stagnant energies.
⋒ Gratitude and closing converstiaon and post treatment details summary.
Energetic Exchange / $55 | BIPOC In Need of Assistance: Sliding Scale $22 – $33 | Venmo @NicoMaldonado
Master Reiki
Become a Reiki Master at Reiki Sol. You can choose in an in person course where you will meet 4 times, approximately 3 hours each session in a small group to learn the techniques of Mastery. Mastery is a deepening of your commitment to Reiki, it becomes a way of life. Nico Aya will be your Master Teacher for this course. With over 15 years of experience with Reiki, as well as other energetic healing practices and shamanism she will be able to help you continue your journey in a way that feels personal to your gifts. The cost of this class is $777. If you are a previous student of her Reiki Level I & II courses then you will have received a discount code that you may apply for this course. The cost of the course includes the instruction you will receive, the booklets, as well as a graduation ceremony with certificate. If you would like to study with Nico Aya we also offer a virtual course for students. This course will be offered through recordings, where you can study at your own pace. You will receive a PDF file of all downloads for the course and your final Attunement will be done virtually. You will receive a certificate that you can print out, or if you would like you can opt for one to be sent to you. The cost of the virtual course is $677. The course is evergreen, so you may return to it whenever you wish. Assignments will be turned in via email to Nico Aya, and once everything has been completed, you will receive your certificate of Mastery. We also offer a hybrid model at Reiki Sol where if you wish to attend a live class, but can only attend virtually, or would like to attend in part in person then you may do so with this model. With this model you will receive a PDF of all course material, you will attend each class-it will be recorded if you are unable to attend, and you will receive your certificate of Mastwry in the mail unless attending the graduation ceremony. I created this model because as a working adult we can understand how difficult it can be to navigate our schedules. I know it is possible to teach this course and for you to gain so much information from through personal study and practice. Both virtual model as well as in person models are supported by myself personally- so you will have access to your teacher when needed outside of the normal course times via email. If you have any further questions about the course please reach out to ReikiSolNico@gmail.com.
New to Reiki or Returning?
Become a Reiki practioner at Reiki Sol. You can choose in an in person course where you will meet 4 times, approximately 3 hours each session in a small group to learn the techniques of Reiki Levels I & II. Becoming a Reiki practitioner is where this path begins. Nico Aya will be your Master Teacher for this course. With over 15 years of experience with Reiki, as well as other energetic healing practices and shamanism she will be able to help you continue your journey in a way that feels personal to your gifts. This course is offered as a Level I course, a Level II course, or a combination of Levels I & II The cost of the combination Level class is $444. If you are a previous student of her Reiki Level I then there will be a discount offered to returning students for Level II. If you prefer to start with Level I then the cost will be $222. Level II will be $222 as well. The cost of all of these courses includes the instruction you will receive, the booklets, as well as a graduation ceremony with certificate. If you would like to study with Nico Aya we also offer a virtual course for students. This course will be offered through recordings, where you can study at your own pace. You will receive a PDF file of all downloads for the course and your final Attunement will be done virtually. You will receive a certificate that you can print out, or if you would like you can opt for one to be sent to you. The cost of the combination virtual course is $333. The course is evergreen, so you may return to it whenever you wish. Assignments will be turned in via email to Nico Aya, and once everything has been completed, you will receive your certificate of Mastery. We also offer a hybrid model at Reiki Sol where if you wish to attend a live class, but can only attend virtually, or would like to attend in part in person then you may do so with this model. With this model you will receive a PDF of all course material, you will attend each class-it will be recorded if you are unable to attend, and you will receive your certificate of Reiki Level I & II if you chose a combination course. Reiki Level I or Reiki Level II certificates will be offered for their respective courses if separate. Certificates will be sent in the mail unless attending the graduation ceremony. I created this model because as a working adult we can understand how difficult it can be to navigate our schedules. I know it is possible to teach this course and for you to gain so much information from through personal study and practice. Both virtual model as well as in person models are supported by myself personally- so you will have access to your teacher when needed outside of the normal course times via email. I want you to succeed and do well, so I offer this extra support when needed. If you have any further questions about the course please reach out to ReikiSolNico@gmail.com.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a beautiful healing art finding its roots in Japan. The word (Rei) which means “Universal Life” and (Ki) which means “Energy” is the core element of everybody and everything. Energy is an essential, unifying element for the universe. It is truly unifying. the scientific community has officially recognized that there is a field of energy that exists everywhere and surrounds us all the time. It is often referred to as the energy field or that field. This web of energy not only affects us, but is us. With this knowledge we acknowledge that everything is energetically connected to everything else, at some degree, including you and me. We can see and feel energy around us. The energy can ebb and flow around us. When we tend to focus on negative aspects of life we can greatly restrict our ability to connect with our universal source. When we focus on connecting, we open up to the universal source. Reiki is a non-invasive healing technique whereby I act as a channel for the universal life force energy exchange. Reiki can be practiced on animals and objects as well. Reiki has always been around since as as long as history seems to acknowledge it. No earthly being created it, however, we will give the honor and credit to Mikao Usui. Mikao Usui did understand, document, and convert a specific set of teachings about it. Reiki can be practiced hands-off or hands-on. The sessions I conduct are hands-off as this assists my practice best with ascertaining your energy field. During a session we will work through your chakras ( energy points in the body) discovering any blockages. I will give an energy exchange in turn healing them along the way to give you optimal energy flow and return access to the universal life force.
Reiki Healing Payment and Cancellation Policy
Payments are due upon booking an appointment.
Acceptable Payment Methods:
Credit Card, PayPal, and Cash
Cancellation & Appointment Alterations:
If you need to cancel or change your scheduled appointment, please email (ReikiSolNico@gmail.com) Nico at least 24 hours in advance to avoid penalty.
No- Show Policy:
A “No-Show” is someone who fails to arrive to a scheduled appointment without an attempt to email to Nico prior to that appointment time at least 24 hours in advance to cancel. Refunds are not available for “No-Shows”.
Late Cancellation:
Late cancellations will be considered a “No-Show”. Exceptions will be determined on an individual basis in extraordinary circumstances.
All refunds within the guidelines will be refunded to the original payment method in the time frame based on your financial institution, except with the instance of a cash payment, that will be refunded in an agreed upon method.
Pre-Reiki Treatment
Please do not consume alcohol 24 hours prior to treatment. If you can abstain for 72 hours from alcohol consumption , this is best.
Please do not consume heavy meals prior to the treatment. It is helpful to avoid animal product consumption if possible just prior to your appointment.
Please drink lots of water.
Please, If your appointment is in person, please wear socks if you do not wish to be barefoot as your shoes will be off for your treatment.
Please wear comfortable clothing. You will be laying down up to 60 minutes for your treatment. You will want to be comfortable.
Post Reiki Treatment
Please rest after treatment. Please do not engage in strenuous activity.
Please drink lots of water.
Please expect to feel emotions, shifts, this is common after a Reiki energy exchange. We have cleared energy blockages. These shifts will pass as the energy is healed and is restored.