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Reiki Circle

Join Nico Aya for your monthly energy clearing this Saturday June 8th at the Ruby Room from 12:30-1:30 ✨ Durijg this circle you will receive energy blockage removal as well as receive a Reiki transmission bringing your chakras into your natural alignment. We can all pick up energy that doesn’t belong to us, this can cause many things, some include exhaustion, depression, anxiety, and more. It is a good practice to clear your energy just as you would go to the gym or eat a balanced diet. Reiki circle is a way to gift yourself or loved ones an energetic tune up. It is great if you’re new to Reiki to try it, or if you have experienced it and just want to maintain. If you have any questions please reach out 👐🏽

April 29

Cacao Acupunture and Sound Healing monthly event at Reiki Sol Studio

June 8

New Moon Circle Gemini Activation